Connecting Science and Dance: The Introspection and Observation of the Human Experience

Presenter's Name(s)

Natalie Bett
Megan Burdick

Conference Year



To encompass our study of dance at UVM we created senior capstone pieces, based in research of the complexity of humanity. Megan’s piece is an investigation into how we become aware of the biological complexity of the bodies we exist in and the human emotions that come with that. Natalie’s dance composition investigates sonder – the realization that each individual one interacts with is living a life as complex and intricate as their own – and explores the coincidences that lead to human connection. Together these pieces use science and dance to dive into the depth of the human condition.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Julian Barnett



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences

Second Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Biomedical Engineering

Second Program/Major


Primary Research Category

Arts & Humanities

Abstract only.



Connecting Science and Dance: The Introspection and Observation of the Human Experience

To encompass our study of dance at UVM we created senior capstone pieces, based in research of the complexity of humanity. Megan’s piece is an investigation into how we become aware of the biological complexity of the bodies we exist in and the human emotions that come with that. Natalie’s dance composition investigates sonder – the realization that each individual one interacts with is living a life as complex and intricate as their own – and explores the coincidences that lead to human connection. Together these pieces use science and dance to dive into the depth of the human condition.