Making LGBTQ+ History Acessible to Gen-Z During a Period of Targetted LGBTQ+ Erasure

Presenter's Name(s)

Zane Zupan

Conference Year



I will review key LGBTQ+ historical events, as well as peripheral LGBTQ+ historical events, and distill them into accessible, historically accurate pieces of content that are easily digestible by Gen-Z. These events will be evaluated using a sociological framework that acknowledges and centers intersectional oppression, as well as white supremacist systems of oppression. This project is designed to help make it easier for the younger generations to digest and interact with LGBTQ+ history, which is more important than ever as states across the US censor this history (banning books, drag in public spaces, and certain language within public schools). Towns and school districts experiencing these bans will be shown these videos at a higher rate via targeted ad campaigns.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Paul Deslandes



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences

Second Student College

Patrick Leahy Honors College


Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies

Second Program/Major


Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Making LGBTQ+ History Acessible to Gen-Z During a Period of Targetted LGBTQ+ Erasure

I will review key LGBTQ+ historical events, as well as peripheral LGBTQ+ historical events, and distill them into accessible, historically accurate pieces of content that are easily digestible by Gen-Z. These events will be evaluated using a sociological framework that acknowledges and centers intersectional oppression, as well as white supremacist systems of oppression. This project is designed to help make it easier for the younger generations to digest and interact with LGBTQ+ history, which is more important than ever as states across the US censor this history (banning books, drag in public spaces, and certain language within public schools). Towns and school districts experiencing these bans will be shown these videos at a higher rate via targeted ad campaigns.