Toward determining amyloid fibril structures using experimental constraints from Raman spectroscopy

Presenter's Name(s)

Maddie Harper

Conference Year



Amyloid fibrils are β-sheet rich protein aggregates that are implicated in diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Using Raman Spectroscopy, we demonstrated the distributions of peptide backbone amide C=O bond orientation and Ramachandran ψ dihedral angles can effectively guide molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to build structural models of amyloid fibrils. Our model systems, amylin20−29 and amyloid-β (Aβ)25−35, are oriented inextended β-sheet strands that are either parallel (amylin20−29 and Aβ25−35) or antiparallel (amylin20−29) β-sheet structures. Overall, our work lays the foundation for utilizing Raman spectroscopy as structural constraints in MD simulations to determine the three-dimensional molecular structural models of amyloid fibrils.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

David Punihaole



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Physical Science

Abstract only.



Toward determining amyloid fibril structures using experimental constraints from Raman spectroscopy

Amyloid fibrils are β-sheet rich protein aggregates that are implicated in diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Using Raman Spectroscopy, we demonstrated the distributions of peptide backbone amide C=O bond orientation and Ramachandran ψ dihedral angles can effectively guide molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to build structural models of amyloid fibrils. Our model systems, amylin20−29 and amyloid-β (Aβ)25−35, are oriented inextended β-sheet strands that are either parallel (amylin20−29 and Aβ25−35) or antiparallel (amylin20−29) β-sheet structures. Overall, our work lays the foundation for utilizing Raman spectroscopy as structural constraints in MD simulations to determine the three-dimensional molecular structural models of amyloid fibrils.