Novel Nec-1 Mimics as Antioxidant Peptides and Modifications to the FOX Assay

Presenter's Name(s)

Surya Amundsen

Conference Year



Ergothioneine is a natural amino acid with powerful antioxidant properties. While ergothioneine has a trimethylated alpha-nitrogen which prevents its incorporation into a peptide, its synthetic analogue 2-thiohistidine shares ergothioneine’s antioxidant properties and can be incorporated into a peptide. This project involves incorporating 2-thiohistidine into experimental dipeptide mimics of Necrostatin-1, a small molecule which protects against oxidative stress associated with cell death. To measure the ability of the Necrostatin-1 mimics (W-2TH, W-H and W-Q) to protect against oxidative damage, this project also involves designing an assay to measure lipid peroxidation with high efficiency and specificity, based on the ferrous xylenol-orange assay.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Robert Hondal



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Novel Nec-1 Mimics as Antioxidant Peptides and Modifications to the FOX Assay

Ergothioneine is a natural amino acid with powerful antioxidant properties. While ergothioneine has a trimethylated alpha-nitrogen which prevents its incorporation into a peptide, its synthetic analogue 2-thiohistidine shares ergothioneine’s antioxidant properties and can be incorporated into a peptide. This project involves incorporating 2-thiohistidine into experimental dipeptide mimics of Necrostatin-1, a small molecule which protects against oxidative stress associated with cell death. To measure the ability of the Necrostatin-1 mimics (W-2TH, W-H and W-Q) to protect against oxidative damage, this project also involves designing an assay to measure lipid peroxidation with high efficiency and specificity, based on the ferrous xylenol-orange assay.