The Investigation of the Antioxidant Properties of SS-31 Analogs in Relation to Lipid Peroxidation

Presenter's Name(s)

Mari Davis

Conference Year



Mitochondria are found in all human cells, and they are responsible for creating the majority of ATP. The membranes of the mitochondria are easily oxidized, and this can lead to many diseases and adverse effects. This project seeks to develop an improved version of a mitochondrial targeting peptide called SS-31. The improvement will be achieved by replacing the antioxidant amino acid with an amino acid called 2-thiohistidine (2TH).The hypothesis is that peptide analogues of SS-31 containing multiple 2TH residues will prevent lipid oxidation at lower concentrations than those containing only one 2TH residue or only other antioxidant residues.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Robert Hondal



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences

Second Student College

Patrick Leahy Honors College



Second Program/Major

Classics/Classical Civilization

Primary Research Category

Physical Science

Abstract only.



The Investigation of the Antioxidant Properties of SS-31 Analogs in Relation to Lipid Peroxidation

Mitochondria are found in all human cells, and they are responsible for creating the majority of ATP. The membranes of the mitochondria are easily oxidized, and this can lead to many diseases and adverse effects. This project seeks to develop an improved version of a mitochondrial targeting peptide called SS-31. The improvement will be achieved by replacing the antioxidant amino acid with an amino acid called 2-thiohistidine (2TH).The hypothesis is that peptide analogues of SS-31 containing multiple 2TH residues will prevent lipid oxidation at lower concentrations than those containing only one 2TH residue or only other antioxidant residues.