A New UVM Geological Collection Inventory

Presenter's Name(s)

Ben Egner
Brady Hill

Conference Year



The Perkins Museum of Geology has been without organized management for many years and the exhibit space has been closed indefinitely. A comprehensive inventory of the UVM Geological Collection no longer exists, which is an integral part of curating any historical collection. The goal for this project is to develop a new inventory of the Geological Collection by labeling, geolocating, and identifying specimens in Excel, formatted in a way which will make uploading to databases easier. Eventually, the inventory we create can be published, making the biodiversity and geology knowledge stored within the museum available to all.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Sara Cahan

Graduate Student Mentors

Lily Duerr



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



A New UVM Geological Collection Inventory

The Perkins Museum of Geology has been without organized management for many years and the exhibit space has been closed indefinitely. A comprehensive inventory of the UVM Geological Collection no longer exists, which is an integral part of curating any historical collection. The goal for this project is to develop a new inventory of the Geological Collection by labeling, geolocating, and identifying specimens in Excel, formatted in a way which will make uploading to databases easier. Eventually, the inventory we create can be published, making the biodiversity and geology knowledge stored within the museum available to all.