Reversing Cognitive Deficits in the PTEN Knockout Model of ASD

Presenter's Name(s)

Noah Elste

Conference Year



Despite the prevalence of ASD, the relationship between its underlying genetics and the expression of its varied cognitive deficits remain vexing and complex for clinicians and basic scientists (Srivastava et al., 2014). A candidate gene mutation in some ASD cases is the Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog (PTEN) gene, which codes for the PTEN phosphatase (Busch et al., 2019). When mutated or absent in neurons, cell overgrowth and hyperexcitability occur (Getz et al., 2022). We have found that PTEN loss ultimately leads to a specific cognitive deficit in the association of objects with novel spatial locations during performance of a spatial accuracy task. High density silicon neural probes are also used in a head-fixed apparatus to show functional differences in the local field potentials and action potential properties of hippocampal cells. Further research will help specify how cellular and morphological changes can create a specific behavioral phenotype, and gain insights into the relationship between ASD, epilepsy, and their reciprocal relationship with cognitive function.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Jeremy Barry



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Reversing Cognitive Deficits in the PTEN Knockout Model of ASD

Despite the prevalence of ASD, the relationship between its underlying genetics and the expression of its varied cognitive deficits remain vexing and complex for clinicians and basic scientists (Srivastava et al., 2014). A candidate gene mutation in some ASD cases is the Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog (PTEN) gene, which codes for the PTEN phosphatase (Busch et al., 2019). When mutated or absent in neurons, cell overgrowth and hyperexcitability occur (Getz et al., 2022). We have found that PTEN loss ultimately leads to a specific cognitive deficit in the association of objects with novel spatial locations during performance of a spatial accuracy task. High density silicon neural probes are also used in a head-fixed apparatus to show functional differences in the local field potentials and action potential properties of hippocampal cells. Further research will help specify how cellular and morphological changes can create a specific behavioral phenotype, and gain insights into the relationship between ASD, epilepsy, and their reciprocal relationship with cognitive function.