Squids, Spiders, and Snakes, Oh My!: Revitalizing UVM’s Zoological Fluid Collection

Presenter's Name(s)

Flynn Krapf
Ruth Torelli

Conference Year



Natural history collections provide key resources for natural and evolutionary studies. For preservation, specimens are either dried or stored in ethanol. Our collection of ethanol-preserved specimens at UVM contains thousands of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens from around the world but has suffered from neglect and inadequate organization. This semester we have worked on maintaining the collection as well as accessioning specimens. This entails testing the ethanol levels, refilling when necessary, and adding the specimen’s data to a publicly available database. With our work, this collection can serve as a valuable resource for decades to come.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Sara Helms Cahan

Graduate Student Mentors

Lauren Berkley



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Squids, Spiders, and Snakes, Oh My!: Revitalizing UVM’s Zoological Fluid Collection

Natural history collections provide key resources for natural and evolutionary studies. For preservation, specimens are either dried or stored in ethanol. Our collection of ethanol-preserved specimens at UVM contains thousands of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens from around the world but has suffered from neglect and inadequate organization. This semester we have worked on maintaining the collection as well as accessioning specimens. This entails testing the ethanol levels, refilling when necessary, and adding the specimen’s data to a publicly available database. With our work, this collection can serve as a valuable resource for decades to come.