Mechanistic Insights into the Speckled Protein 110C SAND Domain

Presenter's Name(s)

Annika Lathrop

Conference Year



Speckled Proteins (SP) are chromatin-binding proteins that transcriptionally regulate immune response genes. SP mutations are correlated with immunodeficiency, inflammation, and viral disease. The SAND domain is an SP functional domain hypothesized to interact with DNA in SP110C. However, the molecular interactions that drive the SAND domain’s activity remain uncharacterized. The structure and critical residues contributing to binding of the active SAND domain have not been previously solved. We aim to characterize the binding partners of the SAND domain and use structural studies to visualize the binding pocket and domain structure. Effective characterization will enable targeted strategies against cellular inflammation.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Karen Glass

Graduate Student Mentors

Elizabeth Cook



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Mechanistic Insights into the Speckled Protein 110C SAND Domain

Speckled Proteins (SP) are chromatin-binding proteins that transcriptionally regulate immune response genes. SP mutations are correlated with immunodeficiency, inflammation, and viral disease. The SAND domain is an SP functional domain hypothesized to interact with DNA in SP110C. However, the molecular interactions that drive the SAND domain’s activity remain uncharacterized. The structure and critical residues contributing to binding of the active SAND domain have not been previously solved. We aim to characterize the binding partners of the SAND domain and use structural studies to visualize the binding pocket and domain structure. Effective characterization will enable targeted strategies against cellular inflammation.