Urban, Community, and Regional Planning at UVM

Presenter's Name(s)

Maisie Melican
Hattie Tetzlaff

Conference Year



As aspiring urban planners, we’ve collaborated with Dr. Meghan Cope to build a robust planning curriculum that could result in a formal Urban, Community, and Regional Planning minor. Student-led research and alumni experiences are at the forefront of our work, helping us build a well-informed curriculum geared towards student success and tangible outcomes at UVM. We hope to offer a program that will prepare students for entry-level planning positions through a diverse range of courses and internship opportunities. Our work feels timely as planning is essential in creating sustainable, accessible, and equitable spaces globally.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Meghan Cope



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Urban, Community, and Regional Planning at UVM

As aspiring urban planners, we’ve collaborated with Dr. Meghan Cope to build a robust planning curriculum that could result in a formal Urban, Community, and Regional Planning minor. Student-led research and alumni experiences are at the forefront of our work, helping us build a well-informed curriculum geared towards student success and tangible outcomes at UVM. We hope to offer a program that will prepare students for entry-level planning positions through a diverse range of courses and internship opportunities. Our work feels timely as planning is essential in creating sustainable, accessible, and equitable spaces globally.