Date of Completion


Document Type



College of Medicine, Public Health

Faculty Advisor/Sponsor

Lynn Zanardi Blevins


asthma, chronic disease management, pediatric


Introduction: Pediatric asthma is one of the largest targets for innovative programs in chronic care management due to its extensive and expanding health burden. A physician-directed asthma management, diagnostic and data tracking tool was implemented in a Vermont pediatric practice. Data were analyzed after one year to enable the Vermont Department of Health (VDH) and practice to describe program participants.

Methods: A modified version of a validated pediatric asthma survey, Easy Breathing, was administered during office visits at a pediatric practice located in Burlington, VT. Fisher’s exact test was used to assess relationships between those with and without current asthma, and between those with intermittent versus persistent levels of asthma.

Results: Of 206 patients, 150 had no asthma, 55 had a current asthma diagnosis and one (1) was listed as ‘unable to determine.’ Patients with current asthma were significantly more likely to be insured with Medicaid (p=.048), have a family history of asthma (p=.019) and be exposed to environmental tobacco smoke (p=.028). Within the asthma group, persistent asthma was associated with exposure to cat (p=.043).

Conclusion: Participants in the Easy Breathing Program at this practice with and without current asthma diagnosis showed differences that reflect established asthma risk factors and related asthma triggers. Further efforts are needed to increase the reliability of the data.

Figure 1.pdf (341 kB)
Vermont Easy Breathing Survey

Table 1.pdf (87 kB)
Analysis of Easy Breathing Data
