About This Journal | Vantage Point | College of Arts and Sciences | University of Vermont

About This Journal

The Gist, formerly known as Vantage Point, is the University of Vermont's literary and visual arts journal. Every semester, we encourage students from all disciplines, fields, and areas of interest to submit their poetry, prose, creative nonfiction, and visual art. We strive to publish writing that evokes and art that thinks, work which stimulates and supports a creative community on campus.

We’ve operated for over twenty years, and are proud to report that many of our contributors' works have placed in plain china, the national anthology for the best undergraduate student art and writing.

Students on staff gain professional publishing experience, particularly in the areas of criticism, editorial skills, layout/design, networking, marketing, leadership, and printing. We publish in the fall and spring of each year and are active in the greater arts community, from hosting poetry readings and art shows downtown to collaborating on expos or performing on local radio.

We meet every Wednesday at 8 pm in Old Mill Annex A200 for anonymous review sessions of submitted works. All are invited! We welcome folks from all identities, backgrounds, and disciplinary interests.

Submissions Guidelines: We consider up to four submissions of poetry, prose, or art per contributor. There is a 2,000 word limit for prose and a 150 line limit for poetry. Please detail the composition or medium of art submissions. All works must be titled.

Feel free to email us with questions at submissions.gist@gmail.com


