Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Optical Properties of Mesoporous Tungsten(VI) Oxide Functionalized with ��-Conjugated Organic Molecules for Heterogeneous Photocatalysis, Jack Henry Burke, Chemistry
88.9: A Documentary Poem Examining Whiteness at the University of Vermont, Addison Campbell, English
Southern Hemisphere Humpback Whale Song in Pacific Central America, Emma P. Chereskin, Department of Biology
The Influence of Pain on the Development of PTSD Across the Acute Post Trauma Period, Julie P. Connor, Psychological Science
Success of Food Assistance Programs: Metrics to Evaluate Provision of Healthy Food Products Across Burlington, Vermont., Meghan Conway, Environmental Studies
Beyond Motor Function: The Role of the Cerebellum in Rodent Cognitive Flexibility, Jennifer M. Davidson, Neuroscience
Facilitated Self-Assembly of Hydrazone-based Molecular Cages and their Binding Properties, Natavan Dudkina, Chemistry
Reactionary Postmodernism? Neoliberalism, Multiculturalism, the Internet, and the Ideology of the New Far Right in Germany, William Peter Fitz, European Studies
Slant, Mattie Friberg, Film and Television Studies
Early Phonological Systematization in Children with Williams Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study, Claudia G. Garber, Linguistics
The Role of Sex Hormones in Inducing Maternal Uterine Remodeling and Vasodilation During Pregnancy, Annie D. Glessner-Fischer, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences
Art as Power: Francis I's Incorporation of the Italian at Château de Fontainebleau, Alaina Irene Hendrickson, Art History, French
Welcome Here: Defining History Through Playwriting, Stephen D. Indrisano, Theater
Iterative Exponential Growth through Manipulation of Sulfide Oxidation States, Tyler Jacob Jaynes, Chemistry
Investigating a Catalytic Approach for the Polymerization Reaction of Dichlorophosphinylphosphorimidic Trichloride, Aimee Johnston, Chemistry
De Jure School Segregation as the Result of Racist Housing Policies, Devin C. Kane, Economics
Keeping Up with the Psychoanalysts: Applying Lacanian and Feminist Theory to Reality Television, Catherine E. Leary, Film and Television Studies
Lagrangian Coherent Structures: A Climatological Look, Andrew Sven McCall Jr., Mathematics and Geography
The Intervening Role of Urgency on the Association Between Childhood Maltreatment, PTSD, and Substance-Related Problems, Rebecca Darya Mirhashem, Psychological Sciences
Microbiome composition of Pisaster ochraceous sea stars affected by sea star wasting disease, Becky Nesnevich, Biology
Nonsense Mutation in AIMP2 Reduces Protein Expression and Causes a Severe Neurodevelopmental Disorder, Pryce Patterson, Biochemistry
Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of the Childcare Cliff: A Case Study of Vermont, Lauren Alexandra Rayson, Economics
“The Greely Sensation”: Arctic Exploration and the Press, Stephen Noah Reck, History
Grounded: Stories of Refugee Resettlement in Vermont, Tilden M. Remerleitch, Geography
Wildlife Values of Conservation Professionals: A Case Study of Bear Researchers and Managers, Lucy E. Rogers, Geography
Quantifying stream phosphorus dynamics and total suspended sediment export in forested watersheds in Vermont, Sophia C. Ryan, Beverley Wemple, and Donald Ross, Geography
Plant essential oils do not alter antimicrobial susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus after exposure to sub-lethal concentrations, Heather S. Schuettner, Zoology
PACAP Expression in an Auditory Neurocircuit Relay Center, Matthew N. Segil, Neuroscience
Lifetime Estrogen Exposure, Cumulative Lifetime Stress, and Cognition in Later Life, Anna Erika Senft Miller, Psychological Science
In vivo characterization of hippocampal electrophysiological processes in the heterozygous Pten knockout model of autism, Anthony J. Spinella, Matthew Weston, and Jeremy Barry, Neuroscience
Enumerating Curves of Genus 2 Over Finite Fields, Rose K. Steinberg, Mathematics and Statistics
Investigating the Tumor Suppressor Role of RUNX1 in Human Breast Cancer, Adam S. Weinheimer, Biochemistry
5-HT6R Viral Vector-Mediated Indirect Pathway Activation in the Dorsolateral Striatum: A Discussion on Basal Ganglia Habitual and Goal-Directed Circuits, Caleb S. Winn, Neuroscience
Disability and Mere-Difference: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Disability and Well-Being, Kel M. Wright, Philosophy
The Meme as Post-Political Communication Form: A Semiotic Analysis, Jacob A. Yopak
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Effects of Confomational Change on the Angiogenic Activty of Threonyl-tRNA Synthetase, Khadar H. Abdi, Biochemistry
The Battle For Cape Wind: An Analysis of Massachusetts Newspapers and Their Framing of Offshore Wind Energy, John Alessi, Political Science
Optical and Electronic Investigation of Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Semiconductor Quinacridone, Michael V. Arnold, Physics
FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES and KEN OKIISHI: The Evolution and Representation of Experience, Ashlin Artemesia Ballif, Art History
Fyn-Mediated Regulation of Protein Kinase A, Sam Barritt, Biology
Co-occurrence of /t/ Variants in Young Vermont Speakers, Sarah Bellavance, Romance Languages and Linguistics
Polarization and Pulsars, Casey Lynn Brinkman, Physics
A Means to an End, A Means to an End, A Means to an End: Repetition through two filmmakers and four films, Alec O. Buzzell, Film and Television Studies
Pathways of p38, GSK3b, and Their Extensions to Mental Health, Amanda Carr, Neuroscience
The Impact of Act 148 on Food-Insecure Populations in Chittenden and Essex Counties of Vermont, Gina E. Cassara, Environmental Studies
Phase I Development of a Patient Perspective Measurement of Behavioral Health Integration in Primary Care: The Patient-Centered Integration Profile, Brennen Clayton Caveney, Psychology
Computational Fluid Dynamic Modelling of a Small-Scale Vertical Axis Wind Turbine, Ashley Victoria Chase, Mechanical Engineering
Historical Patterns of Arboviral Seroprevalence across Africa and Asia, George C. Chrisafis, Biology
A Comparative Study of the Anglo-British Act of Union (1707) and the British-Irish Act of Union (1801), Hunter A. Colvin, History
Effect of Maple Sugaring on Leaf Litter Decomposition in Vermont Forests, Emma A. Cronin, Biology
Implications of Notch Signaling in Taste Cell Replacement, Nicholas B. D'Alessandro, Biology
A Case Study of Vermont's Health Exchange: Missteps and Progress, Ashlynn R. Doyon, Political Science
Would I Eat This? Negotiating the Boundaries of Risk and Service in the Kitchen, Molly E. Duff, Anthropology
Protein Identification and Analysis of Blood Meal Digestion in Different Chagas Disease Insect Vector Body Parts Over Time, Emily M. Eakin, Biology
The Prodigal Journey in Modern Fiction, Max Eidelman, English
Creating Community: Cultural Experiences of Gay Men in Hartford, Connecticut and Burlington, Vermont from 1969 until 1981, Matthew J. Ganci, History
Interstices of Power: Considerations of women’s health and agency through creative nonfiction, Erica Rose Gilgore, Environmental Studies
The Effects of a Prolonged Administration of Amifostine on the Taste System, Jessica Lee Girardin, Biology
Marcel Proust’s 'Le Temps retrouvé': The Inner Book of Impressions and Metaphor as the Language of Thought, Korinne E. Hensley, Department of Romance Languages and Linguistics
The Burkini Buzz: Exploring French National Identity Discourse Through Social Media, Katherine Anne Hickey, Global and Regional Studies
The Scenic Design of Steven Dietz’s "Dracula" for the Royall Tyler Theatre Stage, Rosalind Cardin Isquith, Theatre
The Impact of Soviet Legacies of Informal Exchange on Corruption in Contemporary Kyrgyzstan, Colin Kamphuis, Political Science
Investigating the Grassroots Activities of Northeastern State Political Parties, Ruby Forelle LaBrusciano-Carris, Political Science
Fictions of Belonging: "New Arrival Literature" and Contemporary Discourse on U.S. Immigration, Olivia M. Langley, English
Neuroimaging of Habit-based vs. Goal-directed behavior in Instrumental Learning, Michael Jacob Lawler, Neuroscience
Engaging with the Spectrum of Normalcy: Creative Narratives to Challenge Preconceptions of Mental Illness, Brenna Alice Lewis-Slammon, English
PACAP-induced ERK phosphorylation in VPAC1 and VPAC2-expressing HEK cells is mediated by receptor endocytosis and PKC signaling, Anne K. Linden, Neuroscience
Alexander II and Gorbachev: The Doomed Reformers of Russia, Kate V. Lipman, History
Genetic Regulation of NKT Cell Function, Murisa Malagic, Biology
The Verbal Characterization and Categorization of the Non-Normatively Masculine Man in Classical Athens, Frances Merrill
Sound and Fury: Creating a Graphic Novel Adaptation of Macbeth, Benjamin R. Merrylees, English
The relations of metabolic syndrome to anxiety and depression symptoms in children and adults, Jennifer R. Michael, University of Vermont College of Arts and Sciences Department of Biology & Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont Department of Psychiatry
Cultural Heritage and Rising Seas: Water Management, Governance, and Heritage in Venice and Amsterdam, Katherine D. Mitchell, Environmental Studies
What You Look At, You Make: Menstruation and Fertility in Italian Renaissance Art, Rachael G. Nutt, Art History
Rio Como Vamos: Assessing the Triple Bottom-Line Legacies Being Left by the 2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games, Zack Pensak, Environmental Department
Examining Children’s Cognitions in Response to Interparental Conflict, Madeline M. Portnoy, Psychological Science
Tai Chi/Qi Gong in Mental Health Treatment and Prevention: A review of Meta-Analytic Evidence and an Analysis of Evidence Congruence with Training Practices, Colin A. Price, Psychological Science
Multi-informant Agreement on Emotional-Behavioral Symptoms in Families with and without Children with Dysregulation, Mickayla E. Royer, Neuroscience
Entertainment Law: Redefining the Role of Transactional Attorneys, Jonathan M. Savicky, The Department of Music and Dance
A Nation in Concert: The Role of the National Song Festivals in the Estonian Independence Movement, 1987-1991, Sophie Loraine Scharlin-Pettee, Political Science
Sleep Quantity and the Perception of Weight-Stigma Threat, Megan E. Speck, Psychological Science
Representations of Self and City in Botticelli's Illustrations of Dante's Commedia, Julia C. Spelman, Art History
Parent-Child Closeness and Coping Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood, Rebecca Lee Stormberg, Psychological Science
Predicting Vulnerability to Math Stereotype Threat, Jane K. Strudwick, Psychological Science
Making Gamer Worlds in Mass Appeal Futuristic Online Games, Emma R. Tait, Geography
Demographic and Emotional-Behavioral Predictors of Emotion Identification Accuracy and Eye Movement in Children, Michelle A. Thompson, Psychological Science
'Let Us Record the Atoms As They Fall Upon the Mind': Virginia Woolf Wrestles With James Joyce's Ulysses, Sophie Ryan Thorup, English
Grave Matters: Understanding Life and Death in a Rural Nineteenth Century Vermont Community by Studying a Family Interred at a Country Cemetery, Sophia E. White, History
Autumn Storms Trigger Enhanced Export of Iron, Phosphorus, and Carbon from a Forested Vermont Catchment, Austin E. Wilkes, Geology
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Performance and Limitation in Direct Cinema, Zackary Michael Adams, Film and Television Studies
Lower-Socioeconomic Status Patients in Cardiac Rehabilitation: Clinical Characteristics, Attendance, and Implications for Future Practice, Hannah Lauren Apfelbaum, Psychological Science
Bernini’s Four Rivers Fountain: A Monument to Global Catholic Conversion, Kirsten S. Beard, Art & Art History
Investigating the Relationship Between Diet and PTSD Symptoms, Anna C. Bellard, Psychological Science
Differing Prefrontal Cortical Activation Across Multiple Forms of Discourse Production, Max Walter Breidenstein Mr., Neuroscience
Responding to the Darwinian Dilemma: Navigating the Lure of Universal Normativity and the Threat of Evaluative Skepticism, Jonathan P. Cares, Philosophy
Writing Fantasy, Ethan H. Childs, English
Women Writers in the Medieval Church: Context, Hierarchy, and Reception, Erin Clauss, History
The Gurlitt Trove: Its Past, Present and Future, Jacob R. Collins, Art & Art History
The Rising Cost of Tuition at Four Year Public Universities: A Comparison of the Explanations Offered by the Academic Literature and University Decision Makers, Katherine Ann Cudé, Economics