Date of Publication


Project Team

Teresa Cahill-Griffin


Background: The prevalence of vaping among American youth has increased in recent years, resulting in significant health implications. Vaping exposes adolescents to high concentrations of nicotine and other harmful chemicals, leading to potential long-term health risks, including respiratory and neurological damage. Vaping rates among Vermont youth remain high. Purpose: This project aimed to implement evidence-based vaping educational materials and evaluate knowledge growth in a pediatric pulmonology clinic. Methods: Evidence-based toolkit materials were compiled, and a survey was administered to assess pre- and post-toolkit knowledge amongst patients aged 12 and older. Access to age-appropriate quit resources were provided to patients. Results: Surveys were completed (n=50), with an average age of 15, with a nearly equal gender split. The majority reported increased knowledge about vaping after interacting with the toolkit, with 98% identifying where to find quit resources. Respondents reported feeling more comfortable discussing vaping with friends and family post-intervention. Discussion: The vaping education toolkit effectively addressed knowledge gaps and increased awareness of cessation resources. Respondents demonstrated significant knowledge growth after engaging with the toolkit. Positive feedback from clinic providers underscores the value of integrating such interventions into specialty care settings. Conclusions: Integration of evidence-based vaping educational materials present an effective strategy to mitigate vaping-related health risks among youth. The positive outcomes emphasize the value of such interventions and highlight the necessity of proactive measures to address the escalating youth vaping rates. Continued dissemination of the toolkit can amplify vaping education and cessation initiatives, contributing to healthier outcomes for pediatric populations.

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Available for download on Sunday, April 27, 2025

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Nursing Commons
