Date of Publication


Project Team

Project Advisor: Melanie Keiffer DNP, APRN, ANP-BC, CNE Site Advisor: Kiona Heath


BACKGROUND: Trauma is widespread and has significant impacts on an individual’s health and engagement in healthcare services. Initial or re-traumatization in healthcare settings can decrease patient safety, empowerment, and trust, and can worsen health outcomes. Current best-practice suggests that a trauma-informed care (TIC) approach be utilized in all healthcare encounters as a universal approach, particularly during sensitive exams.

OBJECTIVES: The aims of this project were assessing the need for TIC education, developing an evidence- based education program, and improving knowledge of TIC among emergency clinicians at a Level 1 trauma center in New England. This project served as a pilot for a larger TIC learning program for a local non-profit organization that provides domestic and sexual violence advocacy to survivors of violence in the state.

METHODS: Stakeholders were interviewed to assess the need for TIC education. Current best-practice guidelines were utilized to develop an education program and post-education survey, including a 10- question knowledge assessment. An electronic toolkit intended to promote clinician engagement in TIC was disseminated.

RESULTS: Ten clinicians participated in the education. Nine participants completed the post-education survey. Of the respondents, 89% reported no prior TIC education. Following the education, clinicians demonstrated knowledge of TIC best-practice, achieving a 91.7% average on the knowledge assessment.

DISCUSSION: TIC education is beneficial for improving clinician knowledge of the topic. Implications for future quality improvement and practice include expansion of education across different clinical roles, development of simulation learning experiences, and the implementation and evaluation of standardized TIC processes in all patient encounters.

Document Type


Available for download on Wednesday, May 06, 2026
