Date of Completion


Document Type

Honors College Thesis


Rehabilitation and Movement Science

Thesis Type

Honors College

First Advisor

Kathryn Vreeland


FMS, ACFT, physical performance, injury risk


Background: Musculoskeletal injuries significantly impact U.S. Army readiness through impaired physical performance, reduced deployability rates, limited duty days, higher medical costs and service-connected disability costs. There is potential for injury risk assessments and injury prevention interventions to improve overall readiness. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the association between the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) total score and overall performance on the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) in Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) cadets, as well as associations between individual FMS events and ACFT events. Methods: Thirty-four subjects participated in this study. Subjects had previously completed the FMS and ACFT tests. Their scores from these tests were used in the study. Results: The FMS total score was weakly correlated with the ACFT total score. Further relationships were found between specific individual FMS events and individual ACFT events. Conclusion: This study found that the FMS may not adequately predict performance on the ACFT. However, improving FMS score could potentially improve ACFT performance in those scoring low on the FMS. The ACFT therefore does not fully assess cadet readiness, as it does not assess injury risk in the way the FMS does. Overall, this study offers insight into the use of the FMS as an injury risk assessment tool for improving readiness.

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