Date of Completion


Document Type

Honors College Thesis


Department of Global Studies

Thesis Type

Honors College

First Advisor

Dr. Kelsey Gleason

Second Advisor

Dr. Pablo Bose


Cox's Bazar, Cooking Fuel Sources, Acute Respiratory Infections, Rainfall, Refugee Camps, Rohingya Crisis


This project investigates drivers of respiratory infections in the world's largest refugee camp, Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. Due to the high volume of Rohingya Muslims refugees leaving their home country due to the Myanmar Crisis, the camp is overcrowded, leading to an increase in the spread of non-communicable diseases. This research focuses on the impact of cooking fuels, rainfall, and acute respiratory infections. Environmental changes have the increased potential to add to the spread of respiratory infections in a densely populated and undersupplied refugee camp. Additionally, increased rainfall relates to an increase in the number of refugees in indoor shelters at any given time. Previous studies have investigated the association between fuel sources and rainfall, but not in a complex humanitarian crisis. This project adds to existing research regarding respiratory infections in Cox’s Bazar, and how environmental changes influence these findings.

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