Students who fulfill all the requirements of the Honors College, including successfully completing a senior thesis or project, earn the special distinction of graduating as an Honors College Scholar. This distinction is noted on student transcripts and the designation of Honors College Scholar is conferred at UVM's commencement ceremony.
The following is a collection of theses submitted by Honors College Scholars.
Theses from 2015
Deeper Effects of Climate Change: The Influence of Temperature and Diet Quality on Fish Metabolism, Frances M. Iannucci, Wildlife and Fisheries Biology
Age-related Differences in Beta-range Electroencephalography Activity and Its Correlation with Postural Sway during Prolonged Quiet Stance, Stephanie L. Kirk, Exercise and Movement Science
Research and Costume Design for "Our Town", Alyssa R. Korol, Theater
The role of PLXNA1 in visual system development of Danio rerio, Sarah Light, Neuroscience
The Muslim Brotherhood: How its Troubled History Suggests that it Will Not merely Survive but Thrive in the Twenty-First Century, Ben Morris Lindstrom-Ives, Global Studies
Population Viability of Mega-Herbivores in Manyara Ranch, Tanzania, in a Climate Change Context, Ellen E. Loftis, Wildlife & Fisheries Biology
Comparative Representations of Vermont Migrant Latino Farmworkers, Kerry Martin, English
“Peace Capital”: American Media's Coverage of May 1968 in Paris, Geoffrey J. Matthews, History
Anxiety Levels and Sibling Relationship Quality of Adults with Siblings with Down Syndrome Compared to those of Adult Siblings of Typically Developing Individuals, Katie L. McCormack, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Quantifying Nutrient and Sediment Loads during Spring Runoff in the Missisquoi River Basin, Baxter G. Miatke, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences: Environmental Engineering
An Exploratory Analysis of Electric Usage Data from the Vermont Energy Investment Corporation, Colby John Nadeau, Statistics
Grace, Play, and the Body in the Writings of Albert Camus, Derek Neal, Romance Languages and Linguistics
Creating a resilient food system in Vermont: Gleaning, community engagement, and the importance of embracing complexity, Esther A. Nemethy, Anthropology
Differentiating the Roles of Redox-Active Cysteine Residues in Plasmodium falciparum Thioredoxin Reductase by using a "Seleno Effect", John P. O'Keefe, Biochemistry
The Definition and Determination of Death, Brittney Jean Palermo, Philosophy
Gender Differences in Snowboarding: An Empirical Analysis, Hailey Ronconi, School of Business
Service Providers’ Perceptions of Refugees’ Needs, Services and Service Delivery Barriers in Burlington, Vermont, Samantha M. Sawyer, Global Studies
Knowledge Retention over a Two Year Period Following Completion of an Online Course on The Science of Energy Balance, Allison Schrenzel, Nutrition and Food Sciences
Behind the Lines: The Partitions of British India and Mandatory Palestine, 1937-1948, Jessica Solodkin, History
Assessing Music Listening Habits in a Media Rich Society, Carolyn Spinelli, Community Development and Applied Economics
Detailed Analysis of Structures in the Foot Wall of the Champlain Thrust at Lone Rock Point, Burlington, Vermont, Christina Marie Strathearn, Geology
An Agent Based Model of the Diel Vertical Migration Patterns of Mysis diluviana, Nicholas J. Strayer, Jason D. Stockwell, Brian P. O'Malley, and Sture Hansson, Mathematics and Statistics
Quantification of Criteria and Air Toxic Pollutants in Biodiesel Exhaust using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Flora Kathleen Su, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Exploring the Evolution of Modularity in Gene Regulatory Networks, Mariko L. Totten, Computer Science
Lifetime Estrogen Exposure, COMT Genotype, and Cognition in Postmenopausal Women, Jennifer Alice Trimble, Biology