This article reports the results of a paper survey mailed to all 213 directors of public and academic libraries in Vermont. The purpose of the study, which yielded a 71 percent response rate, was to learn how many libraries take specific measures to protect patron confidentiality other than having a written policy, to measure library directors' confidence in their own ability and that of their workers to follow confidentiality policies, and to learn what types of support directors need to better protect confidentiality.
privacy, confidentiality, library management, ethics, data security
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Recommended Citation
Magi, Trina J., "A Study of US Library Directors' Confidence and Practice Regarding Patron Confidentiality" (2008). University Libraries Faculty and Staff Publications. 16.
First published as: Magi, T. (2008). "A Study of US Library Directors' Confidence and Practice Regarding Patron Confidentiality." Library Management, 29(8/9), 746-756. d.o.i. 10.1108/01435120810917341