Hemp is a non-psychoactive variety of cannabis sativa L. Hemp is a crop of historical importance in the U.S. and is re-emerging as a popular crop, as it is sought out as a renewable and sustainable resource for a wide variety of consumer and industrial products. Hemp that is grown for fiber, grain, or as an intended health supplement contains less than 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When hemp is grown to produce cannabidiol (CBD) as an intended health supplement, CBD concentrations are relatively high, ranging from 8 to 15%. The hemp flowers are cultivated for maximum growth, as they contain the highest concentrations of CBD. The CBD can also be extracted from other parts of the plant and from plants grown as a row crop for seed or fiber. There is very little research-based information available to growers that are interested in producing high yield and quality hemp for CBD production. In 2018, the Northwest Crops and Soils (NWCS) Program conducted a trial to determine the impact of drying temperature on CBD concentration of hemp flowers.
Vermont, University of Vermont, hemp drying trial, cannabidiol
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Darby, Heather; Malone, Rory; and Gupta, Abha, "Hemp Cannabidiol Drying Trial" (2018). Northwest Crops & Soils Program. 320.