Submissions from 2024
Closing the Nutrient Loop Through an Innovative Organic Fertilizer Technology Field Tested for Beet Vegetable Crop, Heather Darby
Closing the Nutrient Loop Through an Innovative Organic Fertilizer Technology Field Tested for Snap Beans, Heather Darby
Closing the Nutrient Loop Through an Innovative Organic Fertilizer Technology Field Tested for Tomato Crop, Heather Darby
Conventional Soybean Performance Trials Summar, Heather Darby
Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary for Long Season Corn, Heather Darby
Revitalizing Northern Flint Corn in the Northeast: Evaluating Northern Flint Corn Germplasm from Agronomic and Nutritional Perspectives, Heather Darby
2023 Winter Rye Cover Crop and Forage Variety Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Hemp Flower Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Hemp Flower Variety Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Rye Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Rye Planting Date x Planting Depth Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Rye Variety Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Spelt Variety Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
GSR Fertilizer Tomato Field Trial, Heather Darby and Kellie Damann
The Efficacy of Spraying Fungicides to Control Fusarium Head Blight Infection in Spring Malting Barley, Heather Darby and Kellie Damann
Colored Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Organic Spring Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Organic Winter Malting Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Rye Harvest Date, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Steam Treatment to Reduce Ustilago spp. Infection in Spring Barley, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Hulless Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Chloe Jackman
Integrating Solar Corridors into Corn Silage Production Systems, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Inter-row Mowing in Organic No-till Black Beans, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
No-Tillage and Dry Bean Variety Performance, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Organic Black Bean Seeding Rate Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Organic Dry Bean Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Winter Canola Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Corn Cropping Systems to Improve Economic and Environmental Health, Heather Darby and Lindsey Ruhl
Impact of Biochar on Soil Chemical Properties and Corn Yield and Quality, Heather Darby and Lindsey Ruhl
Impact of Cover Crop Termination Timing on Grain Corn Productivity, Heather Darby and Lindsey Ruhl
Guide to Interseeding Cover Crops into Corn Systems in the Northeast, Heather Darby, Jeffrey Sanders, and Lindsey C. Ruhl
Industrial Hemp Fiber Harvest Date Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
Industrial Hemp Fiber Seeding Rate Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
Industrial Hemp Fiber Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
Fall Annual Forages Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Impact of Corn Row Spacing on Interseeded Forage Establishment, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Impact of Corn Silage Variety and Seeding Rate on Interseeded Cover Crop Establishment, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Impacts of Row Spacing and Seeding Rate on Flint Corn Performance, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Integrating Cover Crops and Manure into Corn Silage Cropping Systems, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Legume Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Manure and Urease Inhibitors Impacts on Grass Yield and Quality, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Perennial Grass Variety Trials, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Summer Annual Seeding Rate Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Summer Annual Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Submissions from 2023
2022 Colored Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby
2022 Hulless Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby
2022 Spelt Variety Trial, Heather Darby
2022 Spring Emmer Variety Trial, Heather Darby
2022 Spring Wheat Crosses Trial, Heather Darby
2022 Winter Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby
Conventional Soybean Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary for Long Season Corn, Heather Darby
Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary for Short Season Corn, Heather Darby
Grain Corn Variety x Seeding Rate, Heather Darby
2022 Hulless Oat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Anna R. Brown
2022 Organic Winter Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Anna R. Brown
2022 Triticale Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Anna R. Brown
2022 Hemp Flower Harvest Date, Heather Darby and John Bruce
2022 Hemp Flower Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
2022 Hemp Flower Variety Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Industrial Grain Hemp Variety Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce
Organic Winter Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Kellie Damann
2022 Organic Spring Barley Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
2022 Organic Spring Wheat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
The Efficacy of Spraying Fungicides to Control Fusarium Head Blight Infection in Spring Malting Barley, Heather Darby and Hillary Emick
Assessing Forage Research and Education Needs of Organic Dairy Farms in the United States, Heather Darby and Eric Hatungimana
2022 Integrating Solar Corridors in Corn Silage Production Systems to Meet Agronomic & Conservation Goals, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
2022 Organic Black Bean Seeding Rate Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
2022 Organic Dry Bean Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Conventional Soybean Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Impact of Winter Rye Planting Date and Seeding Rate on No-till Soybeans, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Interseeding Winter Rye in Soybeans, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Soybean Cover Crop Termination X Nitrogen Fertility Trial, Heather Darby and Ivy Krezinski
Corn Cropping Systems to Improve Economic and Environmental Health, Heather Darby and Lindsey Ruhl
2022 Industrial Grain Hemp Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
2022 Industrial Hemp Fiber Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
2022 Oat Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Laura Sullivan
2022 Fall Annual Forages Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2022 Integrating Cover Crops and Manure into Corn Silage Cropping Systems, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2022 Legume Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2022 Perennial Grass Stockpiling Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2022 Perennial Grass Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2022 Summer Annual Mixtures Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2022 Summer Annual Seeding Rate Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
2022 Summer Annual Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Impact of corn silage variety and seeding rate on interseeded cover crop establishment, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Influence of cutting height on forage quality and productivity, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Organic Forage Fertility Management Trials, Heather Darby and Sara Ziegler
Submissions from 2022
Conventional Soybean Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary for Long Season Corn, Heather Darby
Corn Silage Performance Trials Summary for Short Season Corn, Heather Darby
Non-GMO Corn Silage Performance Trial Summary, Heather Darby
Organic Corn Silage Performance Trial Summary, Heather Darby
Organic Soybean Performance Trials Summary, Heather Darby
2022 Rye Variety Trial, Heather Darby and Anna R. Brown
2020-2021 Hemp Flower Storage Trial, Heather Darby and John Bruce