
Stockpiling is the practice of deferring grazing or harvest of perennial forage stands in order to extend the grazing season later into the fall/winter. While this practice can be a useful tool in managing grazing livestock, there is limited research on forage species performance, quality, and other management factors in the Northeast region. As more farms in the region seek strategies to manage forages and livestock under challenging climatic conditions, more information is needed to support decision making and farm viability. To address these information gaps, the University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Program initiated a trial evaluating forage yield and quality of several perennial grass species paired with various nitrogen treatments including planting in combination with legume species. The 2021 growing season was the first full season after establishment for the trial. The plots will continue to be monitored over multiple years to evaluate yield, quality, and other characteristics that will help identify the best management practices for stockpiling perennial forages in the Northeast.


Vermont, University of Vermont, UVM Extension, Northwest Crops & Soils

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