
Hemp is a non-psychoactive variety of cannabis sativa L. The crop is one of historical importance in the U.S. and reemerging in worldwide importance as manufacturers seek hemp as a renewable and sustainable resource for a wide variety of consumer and industrial products. The fiber has high tensile strength and can be used to create a variety of goods. Hemp fiber consists of two types: bast and hurd. The bast fiber are the long fibers found in the bark of hemp stalks and are best suited for plastic bio-composites for vehicles, textiles, rope, insulation, and paper. The hurd fiber are short fibers found in the core of the stem and are suited for building materials, such as hempcrete and particle boards, bedding materials, and absorbents.

For decades, U.S. entrepreneurs have been importing hemp from China, Eastern Europe and Canada. Industrial hemp is poised to be a “new” cash crop and market opportunity for Vermont farms that is versatile and suitable for rotation with other small grains and grasses. To help farmers succeed, agronomic research on hemp is needed, as much of the historical production knowledge for the region has been lost. In this trial, we evaluated hemp fiber varieties to determine best cultivars for the region.


Vermont, University of Vermont, UVM Extension, Northwest Crops & Soils

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