
Most of the canola grown in North America is grown in the Midwestern U.S. and Canada for both culinary oil as well as biodiesel production. Winter canola is planted in the late summer where it grows through the fall before entering a period of dormancy for the winter. The following spring, the plants resume growth and seed is harvested during the summer months. Winter canola could potentially be a useful crop to growers in the Northeast for diversifying rotations, farm products and markets, and producing fuel on farm. However, for winter canola to be a viable crop in our region, we must identify the varieties that can survive the winter months. To do this, the Northwest Crops and Soils Program conducted a variety trial in 2022-2023, which was part of the National Winter Canola Variety Trial (https://www.agronomy.kstate.edu/outreach-and-services/crop-performance-tests/canola/).

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