
Until now, commercial hop (Humulus lupulus L.) production has not occurred in the northeast (NE) region of the United States for 150 years. Vermont production peaked in 1860 when the state produced 289,690 kg of dried hops (Kennedy 1860). A combination of the spread of hop downy mildew, the expansion of production in western states, and prohibition laws from the 1920’s contributed to the decline of the 19th century NE hop industry. Today, the Pacific Northwest states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho remain the dominant hop production sites of the U.S. However, hop production in non-traditional regions is growing and now accounts for over 2% of the total U.S. hop acreage (George, A., 2014). Nationally, there has been recent and unprecedented growth in the craft beer sector which has dramatically increased demand for local hop production.


Vermont, University of Vermont

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