Date of Award



The Covid 19 pandemic has led to significant changes within the theatre industry. During this time, many of my colleagues and I committed to a process of assessing and attending to some of the harmful practices that have permeated our systems and the culture of our venues. This capstone project emerged from this process and focused on the questions: What harm and healing is currently happening in our community? How might we honor the wisdom that is emerging to support liberation, healing, and deepened accountability practices? Throughout this project I engaged with a suite of methods that focused on my own internal conditions while simultaneously attending to my role, responsibilities, leadership, and relationships within the theatre industry. This project led me to realize the personal and collective reflection necessary to create the future we were envisioning. I explored parallels between natural ecosystems and community, tended to a relationship with my own grief and identity, and created accountability structures around the ways that my foundational values show up in my work. As I return to leadership roles and imagine the future of the theatrical art form, I am committed to creating space for storytelling that amplifies the complexity of the human experience, celebrates difference, and centers empathy as a tool for cultural healing and reform.

Program Director

Matt Kolan PhD.

Professional Affiliate Coach

Ramsey Champagne, LMHC, M.A., M.Ed.

Document Type

