Staying or leaving: UVM seniors' post graduation plans

Presenter's Name(s)

Lindsay A. FreedFollow

Conference Year

January 2019


This report is a pilot study on UVM seniors post-graduation plans, looking at whether they plan on staying in Vermont after graduation or plan to leave the state. The intention is to gain a better understanding of how soon-to-be UVM graduates view the Burlington area to help address Vermont's high out-migration rate. The study consisted of a survey of UVM seniors intending on graduating by May 2019, focusing on where they plan to go after graduation and how their relationships and attitudes toward Burlington influenced their decision to stay or go.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Meghan Cope

Faculty/Staff Collaborators

Cheryl Morse (Faculty Mentor)



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences

Second Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Second Program/Major

Political Science

Primary Research Category

Social Sciences

Secondary Research Category

Vermont Studies

Abstract only.



Staying or leaving: UVM seniors' post graduation plans

This report is a pilot study on UVM seniors post-graduation plans, looking at whether they plan on staying in Vermont after graduation or plan to leave the state. The intention is to gain a better understanding of how soon-to-be UVM graduates view the Burlington area to help address Vermont's high out-migration rate. The study consisted of a survey of UVM seniors intending on graduating by May 2019, focusing on where they plan to go after graduation and how their relationships and attitudes toward Burlington influenced their decision to stay or go.