Elastic Quantum Scattering of Cold Atoms from a Carbon Nanotube

Conference Year

January 2020


It has been proposed that a variety of quantum-based technologies can be realized utilizing aspects of the interaction of cold atoms with carbon nanotubes. In addition, interesting quantum phases of matter such as superfluid He films can be grown a single layer at a time on carbon nanotubes. For these reasons, we seek to understand how cold atoms stick and scatter from a nanotube. We begin by investigating elastic quantum scattering of a cold atom from a radially symmetric potential V(r).

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Dennis P. Clougherty



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Engineering & Physical Sciences

Abstract only.



Elastic Quantum Scattering of Cold Atoms from a Carbon Nanotube

It has been proposed that a variety of quantum-based technologies can be realized utilizing aspects of the interaction of cold atoms with carbon nanotubes. In addition, interesting quantum phases of matter such as superfluid He films can be grown a single layer at a time on carbon nanotubes. For these reasons, we seek to understand how cold atoms stick and scatter from a nanotube. We begin by investigating elastic quantum scattering of a cold atom from a radially symmetric potential V(r).