The Benefits of Technology for Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic Kylie S. Beausoleil, The University of Vermont |
France’s Asylum Seeker and Refugee Populations in the Age of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic Alexandra Crosby, The University of Vermont |
Valentina M. Czochanski |
Peyton Shea Dunphy, The University of Vermont |
How does Covid-19 lockdown impact boating and Humpback whale singing activity? Grace E. Durant, University of Vermont |
COVID-19: How a Pandemic Exposed the Vulnerability of International Students in the U.S. Darcy Eliot, University of Vermont |
Emma K. Gagne, University of Vermont |
Impacts of Covid-19 Regulations on the Soundscape of Marine Communities within Coiba National Park Anna M. Hodson, The University of Vermont |
Carina V. Isbell, The University of Vermont |
Dolphin Presence Increased During COVID19 Lockdown in Dolphin Bay, Panama Liam Kelliher, University of Vermont |
How do COVID-19 lockdowns impact toadfish mating call acoustic structure in Bocas del Toro, Panama? Tessa M. Kilmer, University of Vermont |
COVID-19's Effects on the Fishing Industry Jill Levine, UVM |
Kelsey Linnell, UVM |
Ambient noise levels of a protected marine community in Costa Rica before and during Covid-19. Sawyer Miller-Bottoms |
The Effects of COVID-19 on Substance Use Behaviors at UVM Samuel J. Pasqualoni, University of Vermont |
State-Level Variation in COVID-19 Policy Impacts on the US Fisheries Sector Rose Pfeiffer |
Covid-19 lockdown impacts on a marine protected area Ely P. Remes, The University of Vermont |
Megan Roush |
Painting a Picture: COVID’s Impact on Vermont’s Food System Resilience Courtney R. Smith, University of Vermont |
Soundscapes of a marine community before and during Covid-19 lockdowns Grace E. Thompson, University of Vermont |
Emotional Eating During COVID-19 Shenna Tyer, UVM |