Biomass Energy in Vermont

Presenter's Name(s)

Olivia LopezFollow

Conference Year

January 2021


The purpose of this research is to assess the feasibility of Vermont’s ability to move away from fossil fuels and towards wood as a fuel for biomass energy. This research hopes to aggregate information on wood energy from a broad point of view, while focusing on the feasibility of using wood energy as biofuel for the state of Vermont. Assessing surrounding states such as Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, and New York, will help to determine whether or not bioenergy could be feasible for Vermont.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Luben Dimov



Student College

Rubenstein School of Environmental and Natural Resources



Primary Research Category

Food & Environment Studies

Abstract only.



Biomass Energy in Vermont

The purpose of this research is to assess the feasibility of Vermont’s ability to move away from fossil fuels and towards wood as a fuel for biomass energy. This research hopes to aggregate information on wood energy from a broad point of view, while focusing on the feasibility of using wood energy as biofuel for the state of Vermont. Assessing surrounding states such as Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, and New York, will help to determine whether or not bioenergy could be feasible for Vermont.