How do US consumers define healthy foods? A content analysis of public comments to the FDA

Presenter's Name(s)

Macey R. MustoFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


In 2016, the FDA requested public comments on the criteria for labeling foods “healthy,” including whether the term should be defined by a food’s nutrient content or additional criteria. Public comments (1,144) were content analyzed using an inductive coding scheme to generate categories representing the most common themes found in the comments. The most frequently reported criteria for evaluating the food's healthfulness were added sugar and/or sodium levels and fatty acid profiles; however, only 35% of the comments defined healthy foods based entirely on nutrient content. Many comments cited additional criteria, including food processing and food production practices.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Dr. Jane Kolodinsky

Graduate Student Mentors

Nick Rose



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Food Systems

Primary Research Category

Food & Environment Studies

Secondary Research Category

Health Sciences

Abstract only.



How do US consumers define healthy foods? A content analysis of public comments to the FDA

In 2016, the FDA requested public comments on the criteria for labeling foods “healthy,” including whether the term should be defined by a food’s nutrient content or additional criteria. Public comments (1,144) were content analyzed using an inductive coding scheme to generate categories representing the most common themes found in the comments. The most frequently reported criteria for evaluating the food's healthfulness were added sugar and/or sodium levels and fatty acid profiles; however, only 35% of the comments defined healthy foods based entirely on nutrient content. Many comments cited additional criteria, including food processing and food production practices.