The Art of Artificial Intelligence

Presenter's Name(s)

Syd Culbert

Conference Year

January 2022


How can we work in collaboration with artificial intelligence to make art? GANs stand at an important intersection between art and computer science and are an incredible tool for art-making and making artificial intelligence palatable to a wider audience. This past summer I explored StyleGAN, a style-based Generative Adversarial Network, and how I could use it as a tool for art creation. Using a model trained on breast cancer cells and a data set of over 5,000 unique geometric images I was able to create some incredibly interesting and organic pieces.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Jenn Karson

Secondary Mentor Name

Kermie Tosku



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences


Art Studio

Primary Research Category

Arts & Humanities

Abstract only.



The Art of Artificial Intelligence

How can we work in collaboration with artificial intelligence to make art? GANs stand at an important intersection between art and computer science and are an incredible tool for art-making and making artificial intelligence palatable to a wider audience. This past summer I explored StyleGAN, a style-based Generative Adversarial Network, and how I could use it as a tool for art creation. Using a model trained on breast cancer cells and a data set of over 5,000 unique geometric images I was able to create some incredibly interesting and organic pieces.