Statistical meta-analysis of agricultural BMPs and BMP group performance.

Presenter's Name(s)

Brendan LombardFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


A database, consisting of eight BMPs (agricultural best management practices), their observed nuisance constituent reduction efficacies, and 20 variables, was constructed; the random-effects statistical meta-analysis of which provided weighted average reductions in total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) for each BMP. This study obtains informed, weighted estimates of TP and TN reduction efficacies for BMPs and BMP groups thus providing a better understanding of the future state of the lake and the role BMP’s play in the lake system’s resilience.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Dr. Elizabeth Doran



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Environmental Engineering

Primary Research Category

Engineering & Physical Sciences

Abstract only.



Statistical meta-analysis of agricultural BMPs and BMP group performance.

A database, consisting of eight BMPs (agricultural best management practices), their observed nuisance constituent reduction efficacies, and 20 variables, was constructed; the random-effects statistical meta-analysis of which provided weighted average reductions in total phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) for each BMP. This study obtains informed, weighted estimates of TP and TN reduction efficacies for BMPs and BMP groups thus providing a better understanding of the future state of the lake and the role BMP’s play in the lake system’s resilience.