Secondary Students’ Perspective on Relationships and Belonging within a High School Implementing Tier One Restorative Practice: A Secondary Data Analysis

Presenter's Name(s)

Olivia MauroFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


This secondary data analysis focuses on local students' perception of relationships, belonging, and school climate in their high school that utilizes tier one Restorative/Community Circles The implementation of tier one Restorative Practice, a positive behavioral intervention organized in a "multi-tiered system of support," has resulted in multiple positive student outcomes including a decrease in the use of exclusionary discipline- a behavioral measure that disproportionately affects students of color and/or with disabilities. My study focuses on the tier one "preventative" and universal level of RP, which fits within an equity-based framework. Through a secondary data analysis of student survey responses, I further add to existing findings and suggest the need for an expansion of district data collection efforts, an explicit addressing of implicit bias coupled with the RP framework, and further encouragement of student leadership opportunities.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Colby Kervick

Secondary Mentor Name

Bernice Garnett



Student College

College of Education and Social Services


Secondary Education

Second Program/Major

Special Education

Primary Research Category

Social Sciences

Secondary Research Category

Vermont Studies

Abstract only.



Secondary Students’ Perspective on Relationships and Belonging within a High School Implementing Tier One Restorative Practice: A Secondary Data Analysis

This secondary data analysis focuses on local students' perception of relationships, belonging, and school climate in their high school that utilizes tier one Restorative/Community Circles The implementation of tier one Restorative Practice, a positive behavioral intervention organized in a "multi-tiered system of support," has resulted in multiple positive student outcomes including a decrease in the use of exclusionary discipline- a behavioral measure that disproportionately affects students of color and/or with disabilities. My study focuses on the tier one "preventative" and universal level of RP, which fits within an equity-based framework. Through a secondary data analysis of student survey responses, I further add to existing findings and suggest the need for an expansion of district data collection efforts, an explicit addressing of implicit bias coupled with the RP framework, and further encouragement of student leadership opportunities.