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Investigating size-selective predation in Mysis diluviana in Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain

Althea Deschenes

Impact of Invasive Earthworms on Forest Soil Microbial Communities in Vermont

Eleanor Duva, University of Vermont

Factors To Electric Vehicle Adoption Rates In Vermont

Aubrey E. Ferris, University of Vermont

Northeast Cider Apple Cultivar Examination: Analyzing Known and Feral Varieties to Supplement the Burgeoning Vermont Cider Market

Nathaniel Fortin

Regional Differences in Food-Based Social Cohesion During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Emma Pearl Frank, University of Vermont

Understanding the Drivers of Urban Heat in Small Cities: Case Study in Burlington, Vermont

Alex Greer

Seniors Trekking in Outdoor Places (STOP): An exploration of the effects of physical activity, social connection, and time outdoors on Vermont's older adults

Riley Victoria Korhonen

Salmonella enterica Prevalence in Hatchling Backyard Chicks in Vermont

Kata M. Larsen, University of Vermont
Jake D. Bears, University of Vermont

Non-market food and agricultural practice in Vermont’s Back-to-the-Land generation

Miles McCallum

Understanding the Opportunity, Vulnerability, and Complexity of Mobile Home Parks in Vermont

Lyndsey A. Parrott, The University of Vermont

No Other Lake: A Journey Through the Champlain Basin

Jordan Rowell, University of Vermont

Breeding Bird Species Richness in Different-Sized Burlington Forest Patches

Jordan Spindel, University of Vermont