Gardening for Health

Presenter's Name(s)

Keelan Boisvert

Conference Year



This project poses the question: How can gardening improve the overall “well-being” of patients? We hypothesized that gardening improves the well-being of patients suffering from chronic conditions. The UVMMC’s rooftop garden served as the primary facility for ten weeks. Pre and post-surveys were given to participants relating to their well-being and the gardening program, which, through qualitative analysis, showed to have an overall improvement in self-efficacy, relationships, knowledge gained, etc. These results fit into existing literature that asserts gardening has positive effects on the well-being of patients, but, unlike other studies, brought out a powerful correlation between intergenerational effects and gardening

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Jeanne Shea

Graduate Student Mentors

Dr. Latreille, Dr. Bryan, Dr. Kennedy



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences


Health and Society

Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Gardening for Health

This project poses the question: How can gardening improve the overall “well-being” of patients? We hypothesized that gardening improves the well-being of patients suffering from chronic conditions. The UVMMC’s rooftop garden served as the primary facility for ten weeks. Pre and post-surveys were given to participants relating to their well-being and the gardening program, which, through qualitative analysis, showed to have an overall improvement in self-efficacy, relationships, knowledge gained, etc. These results fit into existing literature that asserts gardening has positive effects on the well-being of patients, but, unlike other studies, brought out a powerful correlation between intergenerational effects and gardening