P300 Fixation-Related Potential affected by Facial Emotion in Virtual Reality

Presenter's Name(s)

Haorui Sun
Ardyn Olszko

Conference Year



Although some EEG studies have begun to use naturalistic movie paradigms, few have taken advantage of recent advances in virtual reality (VR) to create immersive experiments that include active participation and a sense of presence. Therefore, we built a naturalistic task in a VR environment and recorded the brain’s responses to emotional faces in a natural setting. By comparing the fixation-related potentials from VR settings and normal lab settings, we aim to find out how naturalism affects FRP responses to emotional faces, which could eventually help with understanding how people with social anxiety process emotional faces in the real world.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

David Jangraw



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Biomedical Engineering

Primary Research Category

Engineering and Math Science

Abstract only.



P300 Fixation-Related Potential affected by Facial Emotion in Virtual Reality

Although some EEG studies have begun to use naturalistic movie paradigms, few have taken advantage of recent advances in virtual reality (VR) to create immersive experiments that include active participation and a sense of presence. Therefore, we built a naturalistic task in a VR environment and recorded the brain’s responses to emotional faces in a natural setting. By comparing the fixation-related potentials from VR settings and normal lab settings, we aim to find out how naturalism affects FRP responses to emotional faces, which could eventually help with understanding how people with social anxiety process emotional faces in the real world.