Organization of the University of Vermont's Hymenoptera Insect Collection

Presenter's Name(s)

Chris Duduch

Conference Year



Entomology is an extremely valuable field used internationally to improve pest controls, food production and storage, pharmaceuticals, and ecological understanding. Access to insect collections is vital to this field of biology, and it’s just as vital that they’re identified and organized correctly. Over the last year, I’ve been organizing the UVM’s Hymenoptera collection, a process that involves grouping insects by genus and species, alphabetizing them, and identifying previously misidentified specimens so the collection is as accurate as possible. The collection is nearly complete and organized, with hopes that when it's done it is easily accessible and useful in biological research

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Sara Helms Cahan

Graduate Student Mentors

Ben Camber



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences



Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Organization of the University of Vermont's Hymenoptera Insect Collection

Entomology is an extremely valuable field used internationally to improve pest controls, food production and storage, pharmaceuticals, and ecological understanding. Access to insect collections is vital to this field of biology, and it’s just as vital that they’re identified and organized correctly. Over the last year, I’ve been organizing the UVM’s Hymenoptera collection, a process that involves grouping insects by genus and species, alphabetizing them, and identifying previously misidentified specimens so the collection is as accurate as possible. The collection is nearly complete and organized, with hopes that when it's done it is easily accessible and useful in biological research