Positroids and Graphs

Presenter's Name(s)

Jeremy Quail

Conference Year



Postnikov developed a combinatorial structure of the cells in a totally-nonnegative Grass mannian, which correspond to a special type of ordered matroid, called a positroid. Knutson, Lam and Speyer showed that these positroids are further in bijection with so-called bounded juggling patterns. We focus on graphic matroids, and show that the map provided by this bijection is onto: i.e. there exists a graphic matroid for every bounded juggling pattern.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Puck Rombach



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences



Primary Research Category

Engineering and Math Science

Abstract only.



Positroids and Graphs

Postnikov developed a combinatorial structure of the cells in a totally-nonnegative Grass mannian, which correspond to a special type of ordered matroid, called a positroid. Knutson, Lam and Speyer showed that these positroids are further in bijection with so-called bounded juggling patterns. We focus on graphic matroids, and show that the map provided by this bijection is onto: i.e. there exists a graphic matroid for every bounded juggling pattern.