Pilot Study: Continuing Education Increases Mental Health Clinicians’ Knowledge and Potential Capacity for Providing Refugee and Survivor of Torture Services

Presenter's Name(s)

Samantha Garbus

Conference Year



This study aimed to assess if a 9-hour Continuing Education training resulted in increased knowledge and impacted the participants’ perspectives of future clinical work with refugees and Survivors of Torture (SOTs). A pre-post test was administered and a paired t-test was conducted (N =10, t = -5.54, p-value = .0004). The results indicated that participants increased their knowledge of trauma-informed care for refugees. Moreover, 75% indicated that they will (15%), want to (30%), or already are (30%) working with refugees. Overall, the study showed that CE trainings can increase clinician knowledge and has the potential to increase the capacity of services.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Karen Fondacaro



Student College

College of Arts and Sciences


Psychological Science

Second Program/Major

Global Studies

Primary Research Category

Social Science

Abstract only.



Pilot Study: Continuing Education Increases Mental Health Clinicians’ Knowledge and Potential Capacity for Providing Refugee and Survivor of Torture Services

This study aimed to assess if a 9-hour Continuing Education training resulted in increased knowledge and impacted the participants’ perspectives of future clinical work with refugees and Survivors of Torture (SOTs). A pre-post test was administered and a paired t-test was conducted (N =10, t = -5.54, p-value = .0004). The results indicated that participants increased their knowledge of trauma-informed care for refugees. Moreover, 75% indicated that they will (15%), want to (30%), or already are (30%) working with refugees. Overall, the study showed that CE trainings can increase clinician knowledge and has the potential to increase the capacity of services.