Therapeutic Ketosis Attenuates Asthma Associated Airway Hyperresponsiveness by Targeting Bronchial Smooth Muscle

Presenter's Name(s)

Amanda Fastiggi

Conference Year



Asthma is a complex lung condition characterized by heightened sensitivity to triggers culminating in airway constriction and breathing difficulties. During allergic asthma exacerbations, histamine release directly induces bronchial smooth muscle contraction and airway narrowing. Induced endogenously during diverse nutritional states, the ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), decreases asthma-induced airway constriction in vivo. In vitro mechaistic studies reveal that BHB mitigates histamine-induced calcium mobilization in and contraction of bronchial smooth muscle cells. These results suggest that elevating systemic BHB concentrations via dietary interventions could alleviate symptoms across various asthma subtypes through modulating bronchial smooth muscle cell signaling and function.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Matthew Poynter



Student College

Larner College of Medicine


Cellular, Molecular and Biomedical Sciences

Primary Research Category

Life Sciences

Abstract only.



Therapeutic Ketosis Attenuates Asthma Associated Airway Hyperresponsiveness by Targeting Bronchial Smooth Muscle

Asthma is a complex lung condition characterized by heightened sensitivity to triggers culminating in airway constriction and breathing difficulties. During allergic asthma exacerbations, histamine release directly induces bronchial smooth muscle contraction and airway narrowing. Induced endogenously during diverse nutritional states, the ketone body, β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), decreases asthma-induced airway constriction in vivo. In vitro mechaistic studies reveal that BHB mitigates histamine-induced calcium mobilization in and contraction of bronchial smooth muscle cells. These results suggest that elevating systemic BHB concentrations via dietary interventions could alleviate symptoms across various asthma subtypes through modulating bronchial smooth muscle cell signaling and function.