Battery Equivalent Circuit Model (ECM)

Presenter's Name(s)

Arash Omidi

Conference Year



Lithium-ion batteries are a good option for energy storage systems due to their high density, high eBiciency, long lifespan, and lack of memory eBect. To optimize their performance and lifespan, an accurate model of the batteries is needed to predict their behavior. The first-order and zero-order models consist of circuit elements, with each element depending on the state of charge, temperature, and current of the battery. In this work, an optimization-based method is used to estimate the parameters of the first- and second-order models of the batteries. This method is evaluated using both simulation and real-world data.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Mads Almassalkhi



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Electrical Engineering

Primary Research Category

Engineering and Math Science

Abstract only.



Battery Equivalent Circuit Model (ECM)

Lithium-ion batteries are a good option for energy storage systems due to their high density, high eBiciency, long lifespan, and lack of memory eBect. To optimize their performance and lifespan, an accurate model of the batteries is needed to predict their behavior. The first-order and zero-order models consist of circuit elements, with each element depending on the state of charge, temperature, and current of the battery. In this work, an optimization-based method is used to estimate the parameters of the first- and second-order models of the batteries. This method is evaluated using both simulation and real-world data.