Translations of Plant-Environment Interactions: Learnings from the Colchester Bog
Conference Year
This body of work explores the intersections of art making and scientific investigation of environments. The dynamics between the non-living forces such as water, light, nutrients, acidity, and the living communities of vegetation in the Colchester Bog will guide decisions on artmaking. By learning from bog ecosystems, I hope to approach form and line, color and light, time and space, from a viewpoint of growth and biological interaction and form a series of paintings and drawings. A goal of this project is to explore communication of research and scientific thinking that can reach broader audiences in a time of disconnect.
Primary Faculty Mentor Name
Steve Budington
Student College
College of Arts and Sciences
Plant Biology
Primary Research Category
Arts & Humanities
Translations of Plant-Environment Interactions: Learnings from the Colchester Bog
This body of work explores the intersections of art making and scientific investigation of environments. The dynamics between the non-living forces such as water, light, nutrients, acidity, and the living communities of vegetation in the Colchester Bog will guide decisions on artmaking. By learning from bog ecosystems, I hope to approach form and line, color and light, time and space, from a viewpoint of growth and biological interaction and form a series of paintings and drawings. A goal of this project is to explore communication of research and scientific thinking that can reach broader audiences in a time of disconnect.