Water quality monitoring with drones

Presenter's Name(s)

Ben Mays

Conference Year



This project consisted of upgrading a drone to be able to test water quality and collect water samples, with the intention being to use it to help monitor cyanobacteria blooms in lakes and ponds. Research consisted of upgrades to the drone's wireless data transmission capabilities, development of a sensor package which would be used to take readings while in flight, and testing these upgrades in lake Champlain.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Tian Xia



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Electrical Engineering

Primary Research Category

Engineering and Math Science

Abstract only.



Water quality monitoring with drones

This project consisted of upgrading a drone to be able to test water quality and collect water samples, with the intention being to use it to help monitor cyanobacteria blooms in lakes and ponds. Research consisted of upgrades to the drone's wireless data transmission capabilities, development of a sensor package which would be used to take readings while in flight, and testing these upgrades in lake Champlain.