Voltage and temperature control in high PV penetration distribution grid

Presenter's Name(s)

Amir Ghorbansarvi

Conference Year



High penetration of photovoltaics (PV) in distribution grids could lead to several issues. In high PV penetrated electrical distribution system, feeder may send large active power back to the substation which may result in overvoltage in the load nodes and transformer overloading. The goal in this project is to manage voltage and temperature constraints using the PV inverters. PV inverters could curtail the active power or provide reactive power to control voltage of nodes or prevent the transformer from overheating. Two control approaches are considered in this regard: centralized and decentralized approaches.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

Hamid Ossareh



Student College

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences


Electrical Engineering

Primary Research Category

Engineering and Math Science

Abstract only.



Voltage and temperature control in high PV penetration distribution grid

High penetration of photovoltaics (PV) in distribution grids could lead to several issues. In high PV penetrated electrical distribution system, feeder may send large active power back to the substation which may result in overvoltage in the load nodes and transformer overloading. The goal in this project is to manage voltage and temperature constraints using the PV inverters. PV inverters could curtail the active power or provide reactive power to control voltage of nodes or prevent the transformer from overheating. Two control approaches are considered in this regard: centralized and decentralized approaches.