Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 3-17-1995


Project L.I.F.E. (Lifelong Impact From Education) was a three year projectfunded from October 1, 1991 to December 31, 1994 by the United StatesDepartment of Education, Office of Special Education and RehabilitativeServices in the funding category: "Innovations for Educating Children andYouth with Deaf-Blindness in General Education Settings" (CFDA 84.025F).The purpose of Project L.I.F.E. was to develop, field-test, and disseminate acollaborative model that increases the capacity of neighborhood schools and local education agencies to provide appropriate educational services to children with deaf-blindness in general education settings and improve students' individually determined valued life outcomes. The final report includes: (a) goals and objectives of the project, (b) the conceptual framework & description of the Project L.I.F.E. model, (c) description of research studies, (d) methodological and logistical problems, (e) annotated bibliography of major project products, and (I) dissemination and impact of the project.


The purpose of Project LIFE was to develop, field-test, and disseminate a collaborative model that increases the capacity of neighborhood schools and local education agencies to provide appropriate educational services to children with deaf-blindness in general education settings and improve students' individually determined valued life outcomes. The Project LIFE model has three major steps, each consisting of a series of sequential substeps used within the framework of a collaborative team. The first step focuses on determining valued life outcomes from a family-centered perspective and developing a student's educational program components and supports that are referenced to those valued life outcomes. The second major step focuses on ways to address those educational program components in integrated settings using variations of an established problem-solving method. The third major step focuses on evaluating the impact of the educational program by referencing it to changes in the student's valued life outcomes.
