
Oats (Avena sativa L.) have a long history of production in the Northeast. Although most oats grown in the Northeast are planted as a cover crop or forage, oats grown as a culinary grain are a potential revenue source for farmers. According to the 2017 census, about 80 acres of land in Vermont is cultivated for oat grain production, with an average yield of 1956 lbs ac-1 . Except for hulless varieties, oats need to be de-hulled before they can be used for human consumption and even further processing is required to make oatmeal, steel cut oats, or oat flour. Since 2009, the University of Vermont Extension Northwest Crops and Soils Program has conducted oat variety trials to provide yield comparisons in Vermont’s climate. With the goal of improving processing efficiency and increasing local grain production, this trial focusing on hulless oat (also referred to as “naked” oats) varieties was conducted to identify varieties that may be successfully produced in Vermont. Varietal selection is one of the most important aspects of crop production and significantly influences yield and quality potential. It is important to remember, however, that the data presented are from replicated research trials from only one location in Vermont and represent only one season. The goal of this project was to evaluate yields and protein of eighteen hulless oat varieties.


Vermont, University of Vermont, UVM Extension, Northwest Crops & Soils

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