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Graduate Student Wellness

Lauren Wynkoop Ashlock

Theory of Mind Differences Between Children with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder Following Social Story Intervention

Sindhu Donepudi, University of Vermont

K-Pop Twitter as a Site of Transnational Social Media Activism

Sorrel Galantowicz

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Theory of Mind: A Literature Review

Gwyn Gauthier, The University of Vermont

Incel narratives: Deciphering and tracking the incel lexicon

Kelly C. Gothard, University of Vermont

Factors that Influence Whether Choices are Consistent with Loss Aversion

Julian Kafka, University of Vermont

"One country alone cannot solve these problems": German Leadership's Role in Europe's Decade of Crisis

Sophia Knappertz

Coyotes, Four-Wheeling, and Citizen Social Science: Case Studies in Student-Directed Learning

Maggie S. Lee, University of Vermont

An Examination of Heart-Disease Related Prevention Measures for the Elderly in Vermont State Prisons, Focusing on Diet

Addiena M. Luke-Currier, The University of Vermont

A Content Analysis of Diet Culture on TikTok

Marisa A. Minadeo, UVM

The Legacy of Batson v. Kentucky: Race, Jury Selection, and Justice

Kira Marie Nikolaides, University of Vermont

Clouded Cause: Inclusive Research into the Impacts of Sociocultural Environment and Stress on College Students’ Smoking Patterns

Ashlynn Maree Ruleman, The University of Vermont

Movement-Improvisation Across the Lifecycle

Chloe A. Schafer, University of Vermont

Measuring Mental Health Stigma on Twitter

Anne Marie Stupinski, University of Vermont

Investigation of Eating Practices in a Sample of Child Care Centers in Northwestern Vermont

Kate Y. Williams, The University of Vermont

Correlation between visual perspective taking and cognitive theory of mind in neurotypical children and children with ASD

Grace Xu, University of Vermont

Analyzing Affordable Housing in Vermont: Insights from a Non-Profit Housing Provider's Portfolio using a GIS Assessment

Marissa Yanez

Character Space: quantifying how personality traits support story-telling

Julia Zimmerman, UVM
Philip Nguyen, UVM