Morphometric analysis and patterns of geographic distribution for Polystichum sodiroi Christ and its putative allopolyploid hybrids.

Presenter's Name(s)

Julia McClaffertyFollow

Conference Year

January 2022


Polystichum sodiroi Christ, is a species of fern endemic to the northern Andean paramo. It was determined to be the missing progenitor of the unnamed “páramo allotetraploid” Barrington (McHenry and Barrington, 2014). Samples of Polystichum sodiroi assembled across multiple herbaria were presumed diploid but showed evidence of possible variation in ploidy and hybridity. Data collected on variables known to differ based on ploidy and hybridity – Morphological traits and size/uniformity of spores were compared alongside geographic, climate, and elevation data to produce an analysis with the goal of creating a set of hypothesized species.

Primary Faculty Mentor Name

David Barrington

Graduate Student Mentors

Bertrand Black, Morgan Southgate



Student College

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Plant Biology

Primary Research Category

Biological Sciences

Abstract only.



Morphometric analysis and patterns of geographic distribution for Polystichum sodiroi Christ and its putative allopolyploid hybrids.

Polystichum sodiroi Christ, is a species of fern endemic to the northern Andean paramo. It was determined to be the missing progenitor of the unnamed “páramo allotetraploid” Barrington (McHenry and Barrington, 2014). Samples of Polystichum sodiroi assembled across multiple herbaria were presumed diploid but showed evidence of possible variation in ploidy and hybridity. Data collected on variables known to differ based on ploidy and hybridity – Morphological traits and size/uniformity of spores were compared alongside geographic, climate, and elevation data to produce an analysis with the goal of creating a set of hypothesized species.