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Mooving Along: Determining Distance traveled by Cryptosporidium parvum Sporozoites and Merozoites before Infecting a Cell

Emmett Dews

An analysis of the UVMMC Volunteer Doula Program

Lauren K. Eisel Ms

Childhood sports participation as a protective factor for internalizing behaviors: The moderating effects of age and gender in referred and non-referred populations

Bailey S. Gengel, University of Vermont

The Design and Impact of a Rural Community Supported Doula Program

Kalin Jean Gregory-Davis, UVM Larner College of Medicine

Non-contact ACL injury alters posterior horn meniscus centroid position immediately following the index trauma in males and females

Benjamin T. Hamilton, University of Vermont

Visualization of autism risk genes ADNP and POGZ as PRC1.6 interactors across neurodevelopment

Christina A. Hansen, University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine

Timing of MAT Initiation among Pregnant Patients with OUD & Outcomes for their Opioid-Exposed Newborns

Catrina Hood, Larner College of Medicine

Gender Differences in Parent-Reports of Child Performance Fear in Children with Social Anxiety

Nadia Huber, University of Vermont
Haley Meskin, University of Vermont
Lauren DaSilva, University of Vermont

Come Alive Outside: Findings from a Community-Based Physical Activity Passport Program

Anita R. Martin, The University of Vermont

Dairy-derived fatty acid incorporation into HepG2 cellular lipids

Hannah Mosier

How perceptions of healthcare workers affect healthcare seeking behavior in people with schizophrenia

Stella M. Otis, University of Vermont

Screen Time, Physical Activity, and Anxiety in Honor's College Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Jack Parker, The University of Vermont

Rewiring of glutamine metabolism in STK11-null lung cancer

Shannon M. Prior, University of Vermont

Validation of a modified rat model for erectile function evaluation

Anna G. Quinlan, University of Vermont

Predicting Falls in Adults with Multiple Sclerosis using Patient-Reported Measures: Are Perceptions of Dual-Tasking Missing?

Bel Sogoloff
Lance Bergmans
Carley Giroux

Does Breastfeeding Impact Postpartum Maternal Immune Homeostasis?

Marlena Tyldesley, University of Vermont

Impact of Formulation on mRNA Lipid-nanoparticle Characteristics

Adam Zuchowski